skit_pipelines.components package



skit_pipelines.components.asr_transcription module

audio_transcription(audios_dir_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1076db2e0>, config_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1076db490>, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x1076db520>, concurrency: int) None[source]
audio_transcription_op(audios_dir: str, config: str, concurrency: int)

Audio transcription

skit_pipelines.components.asr_tune module

asr_tune(corpus_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1092883a0>, val_corpus_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1093649a0>, augment_wordlist_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109395610>, remove_wordlist_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109395940>, base_model_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1093959d0>, general_lm_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109395a30>, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x109395a90>, lang: str) None[source]
asr_tune_op(corpus: str, val_corpus: str, augment_wordlist: str, remove_wordlist: str, base_model: str, general_lm: str, lang: str)

Asr tune

skit_pipelines.components.audio_download module

download_audio_wavs(audio_data_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1093cf430>, audio_sample_rate: str, audio_download_workers: int, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x1093be0d0>) None[source]
download_audio_wavs_op(audio_data: str, audio_sample_rate: str, audio_download_workers: int)

Download audio wavs

skit_pipelines.components.auth module

org_auth_token(org_id: str, url: Optional[str] = None) str[source]
org_auth_token_op(org_id: str, url: str = None)

Org auth token

skit_pipelines.components.create_mr module

create_mr(git_host_name: str, repo_name: str, project_path: str, target_branch: str, source_branch: str, mr_title: str, s3_description_paths: str) str[source]
create_mr_op(git_host_name: str, repo_name: str, project_path: str, target_branch: str, source_branch: str, mr_title: str, s3_description_paths: str)

Create mr

skit_pipelines.components.download_from_s3 module

download_csv_from_s3(*, storage_path: str, empty_possible: bool = False, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x10961f2e0>) None[source]
download_csv_from_s3_op(storage_path: str, empty_possible: bool = 'False')

Download csv from s3

download_directory_from_s3(*, storage_path: str, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x109619400>) None[source]
download_directory_from_s3_op(storage_path: str)

Download directory from s3

download_file_from_s3(*, storage_path: str, storage_options: str = '', empty_possible: bool = False, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x1076db280>) None[source]
download_file_from_s3_op(storage_path: str, storage_options: str = '', empty_possible: bool = 'False')

Download file from s3

skit_pipelines.components.download_repo module

download_repo(*, git_host_name: str, repo_name: str, project_path: str, repo_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x1096c2460>) None[source]
download_repo_op(git_host_name: str, repo_name: str, project_path: str)

Download repo

skit_pipelines.components.download_yaml module

download_yaml(git_host_name: str, yaml_path: str, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x1096efa60>)[source]
download_yaml_op(git_host_name: str, yaml_path: str)

Download yaml

skit_pipelines.components.fetch_calls module

fetch_calls(*, lang: str, start_date: str, end_date: Optional[str] = None, client_id: Optional[str] = None, start_date_offset: int = 0, end_date_offset: int = 0, start_time_offset: int = 0, end_time_offset: int = 0, call_quantity: int = 200, call_type: Optional[str] = None, timezone: Optional[str] = None, ignore_callers: Optional[str] = None, reported: bool = False, template_id: Optional[str] = None, use_case: Optional[str] = None, flow_name: Optional[str] = None, min_duration: Optional[str] = None, asr_provider: Optional[str] = None, intents: Optional[str] = None, states: Optional[str] = None, calls_file_s3_path: Optional[str] = None, use_fsm_url: bool = False, remove_empty_audios: bool = True, flow_ids: Optional[str] = None) str[source]
fetch_calls_op(lang: str, start_date: str, end_date: str = None, client_id: str = None, start_date_offset: int = '0', end_date_offset: int = '0', start_time_offset: int = '0', end_time_offset: int = '0', call_quantity: int = '200', call_type: str = None, timezone: str = None, ignore_callers: str = None, reported: bool = 'False', template_id: str = None, use_case: str = None, flow_name: str = None, min_duration: str = None, asr_provider: str = None, intents: str = None, states: str = None, calls_file_s3_path: str = None, use_fsm_url: bool = 'False', remove_empty_audios: bool = 'True', flow_ids: str = None)

Fetch calls

skit_pipelines.components.fetch_tagged_dataset module

fetch_tagged_dataset(output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x109697ac0>, job_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, project_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, task_type: str = 'conversation', timezone: typing.Optional[str] = None, start_date: typing.Optional[str] = None, end_date: typing.Optional[str] = None, start_date_offset: typing.Optional[int] = None, end_date_offset: typing.Optional[int] = None, empty_possible: bool = False)[source]
fetch_tagged_dataset_op(job_id: str = None, project_id: str = None, task_type: str = 'conversation', timezone: str = None, start_date: str = None, end_date: str = None, start_date_offset: int = None, end_date_offset: int = None, empty_possible: bool = 'False')

Fetch tagged dataset

skit_pipelines.components.file_contents_to_markdown_s3 module

file_contents_to_markdown_s3(ext: str, path_on_disk: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109690d90>, file_title: str = '') str[source]
file_contents_to_markdown_s3_op(ext: str, path_on_disk: str, file_title: str = '')

File contents to markdown s3

skit_pipelines.components.gen_asr_metrics module

gen_asr_metrics(data_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1096975e0>, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x109697820>, true_label_column: str = 'transcript_y', pred_label_column: str = 'utterances')[source]
gen_asr_metrics_op(data: str, true_label_column: str = 'transcript_y', pred_label_column: str = 'utterances')

Gen asr metrics

skit_pipelines.components.merge_transcription module

overlay_transcription_csv(sqlite_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109801280>, original_csv_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1098013d0>, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x1097a7a30>) None[source]
overlay_transcription_csv_op(sqlite: str, original_csv: str)

Overlay transcription csv

skit_pipelines.components.modify_tagged_entities module

modify_entity_dataset(data_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109801fa0>, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x109801ca0>, tog_job_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, labelstudio_project_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, timezone: str = 'Asia/Kolkata')[source]

Takes a entity dataset and, 1) hits duckling service for inference on ground-truth 2) modifies the predicted entity structure to be consistent

modify_entity_dataset_op(data: str, tog_job_id: str = None, labelstudio_project_id: str = None, timezone: str = 'Asia/Kolkata')

Modify entity dataset Takes a entity dataset and,

skit_pipelines.components.notification module

slack_notification(message: str, code_block: str = '', channel: str = '', cc: str = '', thread_id: str = '', file_title: str = '', file_content: str = '') None[source]

Send a message on any channel.

slack_notification_op(message: str, code_block: str = '', channel: str = '', cc: str = '', thread_id: str = '', file_title: str = '', file_content: str = '')

Slack notification Send a message on any channel.

skit_pipelines.components.push_compliance_report_to_postgres module

push_compliance_report_to_postgres(s3_file_path: str) int[source]
push_compliance_report_to_postgres_op(s3_file_path: str)

Push compliance report to postgres

skit_pipelines.components.re_presign_s3_urls module

re_presign_s3_urls(audio_data_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x1096f8490>, output_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x10970ba60>) None[source]
re_presign_s3_urls_op(audio_data: str)

Re presign s3 urls

skit_pipelines.components.read_json_key module

read_json_key(req_value: str, input_file: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109746d60>) Any[source]
read_json_key_op(req_value: str, input: str)

Read json key

skit_pipelines.components.retrain_slu_from_repo_old module

retrain_slu_from_repo(*, s3_data_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109653850>, annotated_job_data_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109653520>, slu_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109653250>, intent_alias_path: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109653790>, bucket: str, repo_name: str, branch: str, remove_intents: str = '', use_previous_dataset: bool = True, train_split_percent: int = 85, stratify: bool = False, epochs: int = 10, initial_training: bool = False, job_ids: str = '', labelstudio_project_ids: str = '', s3_paths: str = '', validate_setup: bool = False, output_classification_report_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x1096531f0>, output_confusion_matrix_path: <kfp.components._python_op.OutputPath object at 0x1096536a0>, customization_repo_name: str = '', customization_repo_branch: str = '') str[source]
retrain_slu_from_repo_op_old(s3_data: str, annotated_job_data: str, slu: str, intent_alias: str, bucket: str, repo_name: str, branch: str, remove_intents: str = '', use_previous_dataset: bool = 'True', train_split_percent: int = '85', stratify: bool = 'False', epochs: int = '10', initial_training: bool = 'False', job_ids: str = '', labelstudio_project_ids: str = '', s3_paths: str = '', validate_setup: bool = 'False', customization_repo_name: str = '', customization_repo_branch: str = '')

Retrain slu from repo

skit_pipelines.components.upload2s3 module

upload2s3(path_on_disk: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x109796f40>, reference: str = '', file_type: str = '', bucket: str = '', ext: str = '.csv', output_path: str = '', storage_options: str = '', upload_as_directory: bool = False) str[source]
upload2s3_op(path_on_disk: str, reference: str = '', file_type: str = '', bucket: str = '', ext: str = '.csv', output_path: str = '', storage_options: str = '', upload_as_directory: bool = 'False')


skit_pipelines.components.utils module

alias_dataset(dataset_path: str, alias_yaml_path: str, intent_col: str = 'tag') None[source]
create_dataset_path(data_type, dataset_type)
evaluate(test_dataset_path, project_config_local_path, core_slu_repo_name, repo_name)[source]

To evaluate a model on a test set.

execute_cli(cmd, split=True)
filter_dataset(dataset_path: str, remove_intents_list: List[str], intent_col: str = 'tag') None[source]
pick_1st_tag(tag: str)[source]

skit_pipelines.components.utils_slu module

data_handler(annotated_job_data_path, s3_data_path)[source]
handle_dvc_and_data_paths(repo, project_config_local_path, bucket, repo_name, initial_training, core_slu_repo_name, use_previous_dataset)[source]
prepare_data(tagged_data_path, core_slu_repo_name, project_config_local_path, repo_name, custom_test_dataset_present, use_previous_dataset, train_split_percent, stratify)[source]

Prepare training and testing datasets.

setup_project_config_repo(repo_name, branch)[source]

Setup project config repo.

setup_repo(repo_name, repo_branch, run_dir=None, run_cmd=None, runtime_env_var=None)[source]

Download a SLU repo and install all necessary dependencies (using conda) as found in its dockerfile.

testing(repo_name, project_config_local_path, final_test_dataset_path, remove_intents, intent_alias_path, core_slu_repo_name, comparison_classification_report_path, comparison_confusion_matrix_path, compare_branch='master')[source]

skit_pipelines.components.zip_files_and_notify module

zip_file_and_notify(path_on_disk: <kfp.components._python_op.InputPath object at 0x10988a130>, message: str, channel: str = '', thread_id: str = '', file_title: str = '', file_name: str = '', notify: str = '', display_sample: bool = False)[source]

Zip a file or folder and upload the same on slack :param message: the slack message to be sent :param channel: the channel in which the message is to be sent :param thread_id: the thread to which the message must be added :param file_title: Title for the file :param file_name: name of the file :param notify: Whether to send a slack notification :param display_sample: Set it as true to display the value in the file

zip_file_and_notify_op(path_on_disk: str, message: str, channel: str = '', thread_id: str = '', file_title: str = '', file_name: str = '', notify: str = '', display_sample: bool = 'False')

Zip file and notify Zip a file or folder and upload the same on slack

Module contents

asr_tune_op(corpus: str, val_corpus: str, augment_wordlist: str, remove_wordlist: str, base_model: str, general_lm: str, lang: str)

Asr tune

audio_transcription_op(audios_dir: str, config: str, concurrency: int)

Audio transcription

create_mr_op(git_host_name: str, repo_name: str, project_path: str, target_branch: str, source_branch: str, mr_title: str, s3_description_paths: str)

Create mr

create_true_transcript_labels_op(data: str, true_label_column: str)

Create true transcript labels

create_utterances_op(data: str)

Create utterances

download_audio_wavs_op(audio_data: str, audio_sample_rate: str, audio_download_workers: int)

Download audio wavs

download_csv_from_s3_op(storage_path: str, empty_possible: bool = 'False')

Download csv from s3

download_directory_from_s3_op(storage_path: str)

Download directory from s3

download_file_from_s3_op(storage_path: str, storage_options: str = '', empty_possible: bool = 'False')

Download file from s3

download_repo_op(git_host_name: str, repo_name: str, project_path: str)

Download repo

download_yaml_op(git_host_name: str, yaml_path: str)

Download yaml

evalution_slu_from_repo_op(s3_data: str, annotated_job_data: str, intent_alias: str, bucket: str, repo_name: str, compare_branch: str, branch: str, remove_intents: str = '', validate_setup: bool = 'False', customization_repo_name: str = '', customization_repo_branch: str = '', core_slu_repo_name: str = '', core_slu_repo_branch: str = '')

Evaluate slu from repo

extract_true_transcript_labels_to_txt_op(data: str, true_label_column: str)

Extract true transcript labels to txt

fetch_calls_for_slots_op(untagged_records_path: str, org_id: str = '', language_code='', start_date='', end_date='')

Fetch calls for slots

fetch_calls_op(lang: str, start_date: str, end_date: str = None, client_id: str = None, start_date_offset: int = '0', end_date_offset: int = '0', start_time_offset: int = '0', end_time_offset: int = '0', call_quantity: int = '200', call_type: str = None, timezone: str = None, ignore_callers: str = None, reported: bool = 'False', template_id: str = None, use_case: str = None, flow_name: str = None, min_duration: str = None, asr_provider: str = None, intents: str = None, states: str = None, calls_file_s3_path: str = None, use_fsm_url: bool = 'False', remove_empty_audios: bool = 'True', flow_ids: str = None)

Fetch calls

fetch_gpt_intent_prediction_op(s3_file_path: str, use_assisted_annotation: bool)

Fetch gpt intent prediction

fetch_tagged_data_label_store_op(start_date: str, flow_id: str, end_date: str = None, limit: int = '200', data_labels: str = '')

Fetch tagged data label store

fetch_tagged_dataset_op(job_id: str = None, project_id: str = None, task_type: str = 'conversation', timezone: str = None, start_date: str = None, end_date: str = None, start_date_offset: int = None, end_date_offset: int = None, empty_possible: bool = 'False')

Fetch tagged dataset

file_contents_to_markdown_s3_op(ext: str, path_on_disk: str, file_title: str = '')

File contents to markdown s3

final_conversation_generator_op(situation_info_list: List[Dict[str, str]], s3_links_to_prompts: str, n_iter: int, n_choice: int, temperature: float, model: str, llm_trainer_repo_name: str, llm_trainer_repo_branch: str)

Final conversation generator

gen_asr_metrics_op(data: str, true_label_column: str = 'transcript_y', pred_label_column: str = 'utterances')

Gen asr metrics

identify_compliance_breaches_llm_op(s3_file_path: str)

Identify compliance breaches llm Groups turns into calls and pushes them to an LLM (uses openai chatComplete functionality) to identify


Invalidate situations in db Check if the situation exists in db, if exists return the id else insert the situation to db and return the id

modify_entity_dataset_op(data: str, tog_job_id: str = None, labelstudio_project_id: str = None, timezone: str = 'Asia/Kolkata')

Modify entity dataset Takes a entity dataset and,

org_auth_token_op(org_id: str, url: str = None)

Org auth token

overlay_transcription_csv_op(sqlite: str, original_csv: str)

Overlay transcription csv

process_true_transcript_labels_op(data: str, true_label_column: str)

Process true transcript labels

push_compliance_report_to_postgres_op(s3_file_path: str)

Push compliance report to postgres

re_presign_s3_urls_op(audio_data: str)

Re presign s3 urls

read_json_key_op(req_value: str, input: str)

Read json key

retrain_slu_from_repo_op(s3_data: str, custom_test_s3_data: str, annotated_job_data: str, intent_alias: str, bucket: str, repo_name: str, branch: str, remove_intents: str = '', use_previous_dataset: bool = 'True', train_split_percent: int = '85', stratify: bool = 'False', epochs: int = '10', initial_training: bool = 'False', labelstudio_project_ids: str = '', s3_paths: str = '', validate_setup: bool = 'False', customization_repo_name: str = '', customization_repo_branch: str = '', core_slu_repo_name: str = '', core_slu_repo_branch: str = '')

Retrain slu from repo

retrain_slu_from_repo_op_old(s3_data: str, annotated_job_data: str, slu: str, intent_alias: str, bucket: str, repo_name: str, branch: str, remove_intents: str = '', use_previous_dataset: bool = 'True', train_split_percent: int = '85', stratify: bool = 'False', epochs: int = '10', initial_training: bool = 'False', job_ids: str = '', labelstudio_project_ids: str = '', s3_paths: str = '', validate_setup: bool = 'False', customization_repo_name: str = '', customization_repo_branch: str = '')

Retrain slu from repo

sample_conversations_generator_op(filename: str, prompt_file_path: str, n_iter: int, n_choice: int, temperature: float, model: str, llm_trainer_repo_name: str, llm_trainer_repo_branch: str, situation_file_path: str = '', situations: str = None)

Sample conversations generator

slack_notification_op(message: str, code_block: str = '', channel: str = '', cc: str = '', thread_id: str = '', file_title: str = '', file_content: str = '')

Slack notification Send a message on any channel.

tag_calls_op(input_file: str, data_label: str = '', project_id: str = None, call_project_id: str = None)

Tag calls

upload2s3_op(path_on_disk: str, reference: str = '', file_type: str = '', bucket: str = '', ext: str = '.csv', output_path: str = '', storage_options: str = '', upload_as_directory: bool = 'False')


upload_conv_to_label_studio_op(project_id: str, conversations_dir: str, data_label: str, situations_id_info: List[Dict[str, str]])

Upload conv to label studio

upload_conversation_data_to_metrics_db_op(situations_id_info: List[Dict[str, str]], client_id: str, template_id: str, generated_conversations_s3_link: str, prompt_links_in_s3: str, conv_directory: str)

Upload conversation data to metrics db Upload the conversation data to metrics DB

validate_and_add_situations_to_db_op(situations: str, scenario: str, scenario_category: str)

Validate and add situations to db Check if the situation exists in db, if exists return the id else insert the situation to db and return the id

zip_file_and_notify_op(path_on_disk: str, message: str, channel: str = '', thread_id: str = '', file_title: str = '', file_name: str = '', notify: str = '', display_sample: bool = 'False')

Zip file and notify Zip a file or folder and upload the same on slack