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Refer to this document to understand more about slots, entities, and their metrics.




Eevee let’s you calculate all the important turn level metrics for various entities. We tag these data points using tog’s, an internal tool, region tagging method.

Metric Description
False Negative Rate (FNR) Ratio of turns where we missed out predicting an entity while the utterance had it.
False Positive Rate (FPR) Ratio of turns where we predicted an entity while the utterance didn’t have it. This usually needs attention in normalization by clearly defining what all states are going to be sampled for evaluation.
Mismatch Rate (MMR) Within entity predictions, the ratio of cases that are differing in value. For example we predicted ‘3’ instead of ‘2’ for a number entity.

Here is the list of entities that are supported:

Type Support remarks
datetime, date, time internally datetime (given) is broken down to date and time, therefore false positives, false negatives, true positives are considered along date & time and reported outside.
pattern not yet supported
number supported superficially only. number and people are not the same, we still debating on whether to alias all number to people, vice-versa or not.

Data schema

either true-labels.csv or pred-labels.csv should have rows like these:

id, entities
1,"[{""text"": ""24 अक्टूबर"", ""type"": ""date"", ""score"": 0, ""value"": ""2021-10-24T00:00:00.000+05:30""}]"
2,"[{""text"": ""now"", ""type"": ""datetime"", ""score"": 0, ""value"": ""2021-10-14T13:35:17.354+05:30""}]"
3, []
5,"[{""text"":""Mira Road"",""type"":""location"",""score"":0,""value"":""mira road""}]"
6,"[{""text"":""पांच से सात"",""type"":""datetime"",""score"":0.3,""value"":{""from"":{""grain"":""hour"",""value"":""2021-10-14T05:00:00.000+05:30""},""to"":{""grain"":""hour"",""value"":""2021-10-14T08:00:00.000+05:30""},""type"":""interval""}}]"

the entities are in JSON format. The above ones are just few samples to demonstrate the example.

It is important to note that the csv(s) should contain columns called id and entities, as the entities will be merged on the common id. Therefore id is expected to be unique.

We expect type and value to be never null. We also expect value is of appropriate python-datatype. Eg: type of date, we expect value to be an ISO string like "2021-10-24T00:00:00.000+05:30" instead of 24 (an integer).

Three important things to note:

  • we require only entity’s type, value for calculating the entity_report, the body / text or any other key is not required as of now.
  • if no-prediction / no-annotation has been made for that particular entity leave it blank or [], pandas will parse it as NaN, accordingly it’ll be processed as false negative / false positive.
  • Right now, we only support only one value, meaning we compare truth and prediction only on the first duckling prediction. Implies our comparisons right now for entities looks likes: [{}] vs [{}], in future we’d be supporting [{}, {}] vs [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]


Command Line

For using it on command line, simply call the sub-command entity like shown below:

 eevee entity ./true-labels.csv ./pred-labels.csv
                  FPR       FNR  Mismatch Rate  Support  Negatives
date         0.081612  0.086466       0.377715     6199      18588
detail_kind  0.009233  0.840325       0.013018     5292      19495
duration     0.000444  0.750000       0.000000       36      24751
location     0.004438  0.153505       0.854647     3381      21406
number       0.052483  0.636291       0.286652     2513      22274
time         0.046771  0.098007       0.034070     1204      23583

The above numbers are a mix of standard entities like date, time, number etc but also has tagged categorical entities like location, detail_kind etc.

only on categorical entities we can get extra breakdown (pass --breakdown flag), which will report entity mismatches on their categorical values, example:

$ eevee entity data/oyo-hi-datetime-truth-entities.csv data/oyo-hi-datetime-class9-entities.csv --breakdown

                                        precision    recall  f1-score  support
_                                        0.604215  0.849747  0.706250     7321
detail_kind/check_in_date                0.952381  0.909091  0.930233       44
detail_kind/check_out_date               0.906250  0.906250  0.906250       32
detail_kind/city                         0.380282  0.551020  0.450000       49
detail_kind/english                      0.250000  0.023622  0.043165      127
...                                           ...       ...       ...      ...
location/yelagiri                        0.000000  0.000000  0.000000        1
location/yelahanka                       0.000000  0.000000  0.000000        1
location/zirakpur                        0.000000  0.000000  0.000000        3
weighted average (excluding no_entity)   0.148283  0.144563  0.144732     8709

where _ represents NaN vs NaN comparisons. this helps with understanding when it comes to misfiring on no-entities. Also the last row being weighted average (excluding no_entity) helps in giving overall weighted average metrics on these categorical entities.

Python module

The entity_report and categorical_entity_report can be imported using

from eevee.metrics.entity import entity_report, categorical_entity_report

they take true and pred dataframes as input, just like the CLI version.

A common usage pattern for ML modeling is to use entity comparison functions from eevee.ord.entity module.

A demonstration on how to use date_eq and time_eq:

>>> from eevee.ord.entity.datetime import date_eq, time_eq
>>> true_date = {'type': 'date', 'value': '2019-04-21T00:00:00+05:30'}
>>> pred_date = {'type': 'date', 'value': '2019-04-21T00:00:00+05:30'}
>>> date_eq(true_date, pred_date)

>>> true_time = {'type': 'time', 'value': '2019-04-21T00:11:00+05:30'}
>>> pred_time = {'type': 'time', 'value': '2019-04-17T00:11:00+05:30'}
>>> time_eq(true_time, pred_time)