Source code for dialogy.plugins.text.address_parser

.. _AddressParser:
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional

import googlemaps

from dialogy.plugins.text.address_parser import mapmyindia
from dialogy.base.plugin import Plugin, Input, Output
from dialogy.types import AddressEntity

from dialogy.plugins.text.address_parser.maps import (

[docs]class MissingCredentials(Exception): pass
[docs]class AddressParserPlugin(Plugin): def __init__( self, dest: Optional[str] = None, access: Optional[Plugin] = None, provider: str = "mmi", gmaps_api_token: Optional[str] = None, mmi_client_id: Optional[str] = None, mmi_client_secret: Optional[str] = None, address_capturing_intents: Optional[List[str]] = None, pincode_capturing_intents: Optional[List[str]] = None, pincode_slot_name: Optional[List[str]] = None, country_code: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """A Plugin to hit the Google Maps API to fill the slot with the returned address""" super().__init__(dest=dest, debug=debug, **kwargs) self.address_capturing_intents = address_capturing_intents self.pincode_capturing_intents = pincode_capturing_intents self.pincode_slot_name = pincode_slot_name self.country_code = country_code self.language = language if provider == "google": if not gmaps_api_token: raise MissingCredentials( "Cannot find Google Maps API credentials in env" ) maps_client = googlemaps.Client(key=gmaps_api_token) elif provider == "mmi": if not (mmi_client_id and mmi_client_secret): raise MissingCredentials( "Cannot find MapmyIndia API credentials in env" ) maps_client = mapmyindia.MapMyIndia( client_id=mmi_client_id, client_secret=mmi_client_secret ) # invalid provider exception provider_functions: Dict[str, Callable[..., str]] = { "google": get_gmaps_address(maps_client), "mmi": get_mapmyindia_address(maps_client), } self.provider_fn = provider_functions[provider]
[docs] def utility(self, input_: Input, output: Output) -> List[Optional[AddressEntity]]: intents = output.intents pincode = "" matching_address: Optional[str] = None address: Optional[AddressEntity] = None if (not intents) or (not isinstance(intents, list)): return [] entities = input_.find_entities_in_history( intent_names=self.pincode_capturing_intents, slot_names=self.pincode_slot_name, ) if entities: entities = [entity for entity in entities if entity["type"] == "pincode"] pincode = entities[0]["value"] first_intent, *rest = intents # parallel API calls if ( in self.address_capturing_intents and pincode != "" # type: ignore ): matching_address = self.provider_fn( input_.best_transcript, country_code=self.country_code, language=self.language, pin=pincode, ) if in self.address_capturing_intents and not matching_address: # type: ignore matching_address = self.provider_fn( input_.best_transcript, country_code=self.country_code, language=self.language, ) if matching_address: address = AddressEntity.from_maps( input_.best_transcript, matching_address, 0 ) address.add_parser(self) if address: return [address] # don't return none return []