Source code for dialogy.base.output

.. _Output:

The :ref:`Output <Output>` class creates immutable instances that describe the output of a single turn of a conversation.
The output contains 

#. :code:`List[Intent]` sorted in descending order of confidence scores.
#. :code:`List[BaseEntity]` in an arbitrary order.

We don't require the :code:`List[BaseEntity]` apart from logging purposes. We fill relevant entities within :ref:`slots <Slot>`
of the predicted :ref:`Intent<Intent>`. Currently this is done only for the :ref:`Intent<Intent>` with the highest confidence score.
That's because currently, we only process a single trigger from the SLU API (at the dialog manager), which is an :ref:`Intent<Intent>`.

.. admonition:: Why do I see :ref:`Input <Input>` and :ref:`Output <Output>` as inputs to all :ref:`Plugins <AbstractPlugin>`?

    It is a common pattern for all the plugins to require both as arguments. Since this could be confusing nomenclature, :ref:`Input <Input>`
    and :ref:`Output <Output>` bear meaning and even separation for the SLU API, **not for** :ref:`Plugins <AbstractPlugin>`.

Setting Output

Just like :ref:`Input <Input>`, :ref:`Output <Output>` is also an immutable class.

#. **Don't change the attribute elements in place.** It would work for now
   but even types like `Intent` and `BaseEntity` will soon become immutable as well.

#. Plugins that produce output must always produce a :code:`List[Intent]` or :code:`List[BaseEntity]`.
   Say, returning a single :code:`Intent` would break validations on the output class.


If there is a need to represent an :ref:`Input<Input>` as a `dict` we can do the following:

.. ipython::

    In [1]: from dialogy.base import Output
       ...: from dialogy.types import Intent

    In [2]: output = Output(intents=[Intent(name="_greeting_", score=1.0)])

    In [3]: output.json()
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import attr

from dialogy import constants as const
from dialogy.types import BaseEntity, Intent

JSON_LIST_TYPE = List[Dict[str, Any]]
ORIGINAL_INTENT_TYPE = Dict[str, Union[str, float]]

[docs]@attr.frozen class Output: """ Represents output of the SLU API. """ intents: List[Intent] = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), kw_only=True) """ A list of intents. Produced by :ref:`XLMRMultiClass <XLMRMultiClass>` or :ref:`MLPMultiClass <MLPMultiClass>`. """ entities: List[BaseEntity] = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), kw_only=True) """ A list of entities. Produced by :ref:`DucklingPlugin <DucklingPlugin>`, :ref:`ListEntityPlugin <ListEntityPlugin>` or :ref:`ListSearchPlugin <ListSearchPlugin>`. """ original_intent: ORIGINAL_INTENT_TYPE = attr.ib( default=attr.Factory(dict), kw_only=True ) @intents.validator # type: ignore def _are_intents_valid( self, _: attr.Attribute, intents: List[Intent] # type: ignore ) -> None: if not isinstance(intents, list): raise TypeError(f"intents must be a list, not {type(intents)}") if not intents: return if any(not isinstance(intent, Intent) for intent in intents): raise TypeError( f"intents must be a List[Intent] but {intents} was provided." ) @entities.validator # type: ignore def _are_entities_valid( self, _: attr.Attribute, entities: List[BaseEntity] # type: ignore ) -> None: if not isinstance(entities, list): raise TypeError(f"entities must be a list, not {type(entities)}") if not entities: return if any(not isinstance(entity, BaseEntity) for entity in entities): raise TypeError( f"intents must be a List[BaseEntity] but {entities} was provided." ) @original_intent.validator # type: ignore def _is_original_intent_valid( self, _: attr.Attribute, original_intent: Dict[str, Union[str, float]] # type: ignore ) -> None: if not original_intent: return if not isinstance(original_intent, dict): raise TypeError( f"original_intent must be a dict, not {type(original_intent)}" ) if const.NAME not in original_intent: raise TypeError( f"original_intent must contain {const.NAME} but {original_intent} was provided." ) if not isinstance(original_intent[const.NAME], str): raise TypeError( f"original_intent[{const.NAME}] must be a str, not {type(original_intent[const.NAME])}" ) if const.SCORE not in original_intent: raise TypeError( f"original_intent must contain {const.SCORE} but {original_intent} was provided." ) if not isinstance(original_intent[const.SCORE], float): raise TypeError( f"original_intent[{const.SCORE}] must be a float, not {type(original_intent[const.SCORE])}" )
[docs] def json(self: Output) -> Dict[str, Union[JSON_LIST_TYPE, ORIGINAL_INTENT_TYPE]]: """ Serialize `Output`_ to a JSON-like dict. :param self: [description] :type self: Output :return: [description] :rtype: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] """ return { const.INTENTS: [intent.json() for intent in self.intents], const.ENTITIES: [entity.json() for entity in self.entities], const.ORIGINAL_INTENT: self.original_intent, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict[str, Any], reference: Optional[Output] = None) -> Output: """ Create a new `Output`_ instance from a dictionary. :param d: A dictionary such that keys are a subset of `Output`_ attributes. :type d: Dict[str, Any] :param reference: An existing `Output`_ instance., defaults to None :type reference: Optional[Output], optional :return: A new `Output`_ instance. :rtype: Output """ if reference: return attr.evolve(reference, **d) return attr.evolve(cls(), **d)