Source code for dialogy.base.entity_extractor

import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from pydash import py_

from dialogy.types import BaseEntity
from dialogy.utils import normalize

[docs]def entity_scoring(presence: int, input_size: int) -> float: return presence / input_size
[docs]class EntityScoringMixin: """ Mixin for scoring and aggregation of entities over a set of transcripts. .. _EntityScoringMixin: """ threshold: Optional[float] = None """ Value to compare against an entity's score. """
[docs] def remove_low_scoring_entities( self, entities: List[BaseEntity] ) -> List[BaseEntity]: """ Remove entities with a lower score than the threshold. This doesn't apply to entities with score=None. :param entities: A list of entities. :type entities: List[BaseEntity] :return: A list of entities with score higher than configured threshold. :rtype: List[BaseEntity] """ if self.threshold is None: return entities high_scoring_entities = [] for entity in entities: if entity.score is None: high_scoring_entities.append(entity) if entity.score is not None and self.threshold < entity.score: high_scoring_entities.append(entity) return high_scoring_entities
[docs] def aggregate_entities( self, entity_type_value_group: Dict[Tuple[str, Any], List[BaseEntity]], input_size: int, ) -> List[BaseEntity]: """ Reduce entities sharing same type and value. - Entities with same type and value are considered identical even if other metadata is same. These entities are part of a group. - We track the transcript indices for every entity in a group. - Select the minimum of all the indices. (because 0th transcript has highest confidence) - We pick one entity per group and modify its index to the minimum and score is aggregated for the group. - The entity picked is added to a list of aggregates. The above is done for all entities in a group :param entity_type_val_group: A data-structure that groups entities by type and value. :type entity_type_val_group: Dict[Tuple[str, Any], List[BaseEntity]] :return: A list of de-duplicated entities. :rtype: List[BaseEntity] """ aggregated_entities = [] for entities in entity_type_value_group.values(): indices = [ entity.alternative_index for entity in entities if isinstance(entity.alternative_index, int) ] min_alternative_index = py_.min_(indices) if indices else None representative = entities[0] representative.alternative_index = min_alternative_index representative.alternative_indices = indices representative.score = entity_scoring(len(py_.uniq(indices)), input_size) aggregated_entities.append(representative) return aggregated_entities
[docs] def apply_filters(self, entities: List[BaseEntity]) -> List[BaseEntity]: """ Filter entities with score less than the threshold. :param entities: A list of entities. :type entities: List[BaseEntity] :return: A list of entities. This can be at most the same length as `entities`. :rtype: List[BaseEntity] """ return self.remove_low_scoring_entities(entities)
[docs] def entity_consensus( self, entities: List[BaseEntity], input_size: int ) -> List[BaseEntity]: """ Combine entities by type and value. This issue: Points at the problems where we can return multiple identical entities, depending on the number of transcripts that contain same body. :param entities: A list of entities which may have duplicates. :type entities: List[BaseEntity] :return: A list of entities scored and unique by type and value. :rtype: List[BaseEntity] """ entity_type_value_group = py_.group_by( entities, lambda entity: (entity.type, entity.get_value()) ) aggregate_entities = self.aggregate_entities( entity_type_value_group, input_size ) return self.apply_filters(aggregate_entities)
[docs] @staticmethod def make_transform_values(transcript: Any) -> List[str]: """ Make transcripts from a string/json-string. :param transcript: A string to search entities within. :type transcript: str :return: List of transcripts. :rtype: List[str] """ try: transcript = json.loads(transcript) return normalize(transcript) except (json.JSONDecodeError, TypeError): return normalize(transcript)