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FFtrim Service

This assignment is to build an HTTP service named fftrim-http-service which will be an extension to the fftrim assignment. You'll need to interface your fftrim tool via HTTP APIs so one can request these APIs and perform the same operations as the fftrim CLI tool.

Here are the APIs which you need to implement:

POST /api/trim/


Following are the parameters you would need to pass to this API as query parameters, request body etc.

Request query parameters - start_time - end_time - duration

Request body - audio as binary data

  • audio as binary data

You can also add any other relevant information you wish to send in the response.


Audio in request/response to/from this API need to be the raw audio data and not an external reference to the audio file.


Few resources that you might want to follow for working on this:

  2. Multipart request